Dog Number Dog Name Dog owner Jump Height Club Singles Date Ran Points Total Title Level
7160 Xavier Christina Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 16085 TFP-II
8174 Legend Marie Gutgsell 12 inches Fly By Night 15230 TFP-II
8846 Xaina Christina Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 14695 TFP-II
7161 Mirage Joseph Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 13040 TFP-I
7070 Remy Mari Pavleje 12 inches No Club Affiliation 11660 TFP
2701 Noche' Nancy Murphy 12 inches Dog>Gone Flyball 9345 TFE-III
6937 Nikon Lies Rosema 12 inches Fly By Night 8495 TFE-III
1651 Kaela Patricia Greenwald 12 inches Heat Seek 7410 TFE-III
8418 Jurek Sandee Stuczynski 12 inches Barkbarians 7025 TFE-III
6213 Cami Jessica Snyder 12 inches Mostly Harmless 5720 TFE-II
9111 Denali Kenneth & Michelle Wallace 12 inches Rockin Flyball Gang 5400 TFE-I
1102 Ruckus Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation 5340 TFE-I
7787 Xira Joseph Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 4680 TFE-I
6309 Edge Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation 4360 TFE-I
2716 Razzy Alex Clark 12 inches Synergy 4145 TFE-I
12178 Milly Austin Hardin 12 inches Woodlawn Woofers 4005 TFE-I
786 Jamie Lee Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation 3660 TFE
6596 Dexter Kenneth & Michelle Wallace 12 inches Rockin Flyball Gang 3310 TFE
2390 Belle Thomas Young 12 inches 4 Dog Flight 2725 TFE
12971 Gera Anabelle Morin 12 inches Muscle Memory 2645 TFE
6369 Asta Michele Moore 12 inches Arizona Supercharged 2540 TFE
7356 Halo Debbie Oliver 12 inches Silver Streaks 2450 TF-III
10640 Freyja Jessica Edwards 12 inches Perro Loco 2405 TF-III
4809 Alexis Tammy Bennett 12 inches No Club Affiliation 2235 TF-III
3686 Riley Kimberlee Smith 12 inches No Club Affiliation 2170 TF-III
9728 Venom Danielle Escarcega 12 inches X 2150 TF-III
1994 Taelor Tiffany Tittl 12 inches Ballistics 2055 TF-III
5896 Berlin Lindsay Chlopek 12 inches No Club Affiliation 1735 TF-III
8117 Reno Doug Harbour 12 inches Top Dog Racers 1640 TF-III
658 Dakota Mark Guerra 12 inches TNT 1540 TF-III
5224 Kyzer Tracy Klimchak 12 inches Dixie Flyers 1390 TF-III
10550 Whiskey Beth Engelbert 12 inches Rapids Intens-A-Flyrs 1230 TF-III
7097 Boris Michele Moore 12 inches Arizona Supercharged 1220 TF-III
1264 Sonja Kim Novotny 12 inches No Club Affiliation 1165 TF-III
1263 Windy Kim Novotny 12 inches No Club Affiliation 1070 TF-III
6663 Ziva Michael Fusco 12 inches Too Hot To Handle 1045 TF-III
11170 Cava Debbie Oliver 12 inches Silver Streaks 1030 TF-III
7934 Dux Kathleen Engel 12 inches Speed Racers 985 TF-II
11495 Devil Kathryn Miller 12 inches Underdogs Flyball 940 TF-II
5865 Zed Debbie Haines 12 inches Redline Dogsports 880 TF-II
551 Chloe Lindsay Chlopek 12 inches BC Boomerangs 825 TF-II
3829 Ronan Steve Bannon 12 inches Two-Lane Highway 795 TF-II
12815 Cher Colleen McClintock 12 inches Sneak Attack 770 TF-II
1122 Disney Mari Pavleje 12 inches No Club Affiliation 695 TF-I
14153 Onyx Kerri Taylor 12 inches Mission Uproar 650 TF-I
7300 Kastle Falon Gray 12 inches 550 TF-I
12550 Ryker Shelby Abney 12 inches Just Bring It Flyball Co. 545 TF-I
12130 Natty Kristen Hudson 12 inches Carolina Overdrive 460 TF
14213 Nevaeh Brittany Bell 12 inches Hawkeye Hustlers 420 TF
6807 Tink Addy Lerner 12 inches Orange Crush 400 TF
13275 Winnie Barbara Iwanaga 12 inches The Usual Suspects 370 TF
12056 Zorba Rachel Varner 12 inches Dog Gone Devils 340 TF
9139 Booger James Green 12 inches No Club Affiliation 305 TF
11541 Panther Kevin Lucin 12 inches Instant Replay 275 TF
6936 Pan Jason Lin 12 inches 240 TF
11476 Bronte Heather Racicot 12 inches Running Rogue 220 TF
10881 Xander Christina Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 150 TF
8004 Dixi Sue Castona 12 inches No Club Affiliation 110 TF
3093 Danya Carol Helfer 12 inches No Club Affiliation 45
11133 Maddux Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation 40
12067 Bane Erica Tippins 12 inches Ready Set Riot! 15
8133 Curry Scott Schaller 12 inches Strike Force 0
5587 Ben Glenn Robbins 12 inches No Club Affiliation 0
4798 Ty Melissa Frye 12 inches Beach Rovers 0
6034 Izzy Lindsay Chlopek 12 inches No Club Affiliation 0
9141 Kota Grace Newvine 12 inches Ballistics 0
11960 Abby Cate Hartenstein 12 inches Tailspins
11023 Fiasco Pam Casselman 12 inches Muscle Memory
13916 Cricket Kelsey Michael 12 inches Mutter Chaos
12343 Atlantis Ashley Kuhl 12 inches No Club Affiliation
14273 Hattie Barb Bevandic 12 inches Milwaukee Dogs
5077 DRIVER Wendy Grandman 12 inches B&C
11614 Xaiden Christina Clark 12 inches River City Flyers
10930 Xaire Christina Clark 12 inches River City Flyers
13577 ZEKE Hannah Perkins 12 inches Hawkeye Hustlers
5771 SUZZIE PATRICE BARRA 12 inches No Club Affiliation
9135 Nala Amber Larragoitiy 12 inches Pawcific Crush
12341 Zayne Ashley Kuhl 12 inches No Club Affiliation
1217 Tessie Liz Goldwin 12 inches High Desert Sundogs
9444 Milan Lori-Ann Smyth 12 inches Prairie Pirates
12829 Kelsoh Skyla Engel 12 inches No Club Affiliation
11612 Ava Donna Whittington 12 inches River City Flyers
10929 Xoe Joseph Clark 12 inches River City Flyers
13525 Tessa Melanie Wyatt 12 inches The Usual Suspects
7180 Bindi Raymond Koeper 12 inches No Club Affiliation
11487 Apollo Melissa Gugliotti 12 inches B.A.R.K.
14204 Hex Anne Mortensen 12 inches Thunder Paws Flyball
9290 Korra Ty Grove 12 inches Tailspins
11610 Felony Kelsey Michael 12 inches Mutter Chaos
1709 Apollo Pat Peeren 12 inches No Club Affiliation
6886 Nikki Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation
13506 Lance Mollie-Faye Crawley 12 inches Ball Driven Bandits
5457 Aja Lindsay Chlopek 12 inches No Club Affiliation
8877 Kali Mechele Fillman 12 inches Bay Racers Flyball Club
2983 Boomer Fiona Scott 12 inches No Club Affiliation
9249 Midge Anne Stinnett 12 inches 2 Fast 4 Paws
12712 Rio Mary Ellen Zydell 12 inches Pet Camp's Astro Allstars
4596 Udi Lynn Handler Cohen 12 inches No Club Affiliation
11609 Varro Kelsey Michael 12 inches Mutter Chaos
6885 Edge Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation
10698 North Mechele Fillman 12 inches Bay Racers Flyball Club
13489 Asha Liza Haynie 12 inches Infurno
5357 Angel Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation
2852 Raina Janis Neff 12 inches Too Hot To Handle
14089 Roo Melanie Wyatt 12 inches X
9175 Lahni Mary Lange 12 inches No Club Affiliation
4213 Bart PATRICIA Lee 12 inches Dogsmack
11558 Nova Kathryn Miller 12 inches Underdogs Flyball
14781 Lavin Von Aura Timothy Braun 12 inches No Club Affiliation
1379 Alta Asgaard Beth Bellman 12 inches Skidmarkz
13486 Krieger Diana Lane 12 inches Hawkeye Hustlers
5356 Buzz Alex Clark 12 inches No Club Affiliation
8618 Dani Alex Clark 12 inches Synergy
14003 Dakota Scott Reese 12 inches Leap Of Faith Flyball Team
12514 Belle Hannah Johnson 12 inches Thunder Paws Flyball
4107 Alix Jaimie Weber 12 inches No Club Affiliation
11546 Onzo Lasha Anguish 12 inches Total Anarchy
14305 Aerys Ashley Angstadt 12 inches Underdogs Flyball