To register a dog, own a club, or participate in the Junior Handler Program, a participant must register with U-FLI, which is free of charge. To register a club, it’s just $20 and just $10 to register a dog and receive your Race Utility Number (RUN).
Click the sections below to register or edit a participant, dog or club.

Register or update a participant

Register as a new U-FLI participant for free or update your existing participant information.

Register New Participant Edit a Participant

Register or update a dog

Register a new dog for just $10 or update any of your existing dog’s information.

Register New Dog Edit a Dog

Register or update a club

Register a new club for just $20 or update your current club’s information.

Register New Club Edit a Club

Request Participant Information

Forgot your participant number or your password? No problem!

Request Participant information