2023 U-FLI Tournament of Champions Guidelines

We are excited to publish the 2023 TOC guidelines. Something new this year is divisions will be established after entry. After the closing date, based on the entries received, the final racing divisions, format, and scoring method will be determined by the Championship Committee, which will allow us to make the very best, most competitive divisions for all our competitors.

Many more details will be announced in the next few days and weeks, so please stay tuned!


  1. The 2023 U-FLI Tournament of Champions will be held October 6th – 8th at Purina Farms in Gray Summit, Missouri.
  2. Entries will open July 12, 2023, at www.u-fli.com.
  3. Only electronic entries will be accepted; mailed-in entries will be returned.
  4. The closing date for entries is August 12, 2023, and entries received after that date will not be accepted.
  5. U-FLI will acknowledge champions in multiple divisions.


  1. All clubs, participants, and dogs must be registered and in good standing with U-FLI.
  2. Clubs must have competed in at least two U-FLI events held on separate weekends during the 18 months leading up to the Tournament of Champions.
  3. Each registered U-FLI club can enter one team in the Tournament of Champions; as well as enter multiple teams in the regular tournament associated with the event.
  4. U-FLI will designate a club’s seed time based on their fastest tournament time posted during the 12 months leading up to the closing date of the Tournament of Champions. If no time is available, the fastest posted time during the 18 months leading up to the closing date of the Tournament of Champions will be used.
  5. Clubs that cannot meet the eligibility requirement may qualify for an exception. Inquiries for an exception should be directed to: championship@u-fli.com
  6. Only dogs eligible to participate with the entered club can race on the championship team.
  7. Dogs can be double listed on a Championship and regular tournament team if necessary.

Championship Format

  1. After the closing date, based on the entries received, the final racing divisions, format, and scoring method will be determined by the Championship Committee, which will allow us to make the very best, most competitive divisions for all our competitors.
  2. The breakout time of each division will be 0.25 second faster than the fastest seeded time in each division.
  3. A bracket format may be implemented for the Tournament of Champions to separate large divisions into smaller brackets. Each bracket will race in a round robin format.
  4. A runoff format for final placements in each division may be used.
    • If neither team in a division runoff completes the race, their placements will be determined based on the standing of those two teams prior to the runoff race.
    • Breakouts that occur during the runoff races will be added to any previous breakouts.
  5. All dogs participating in the Championship will earn U-FLI points.
  6. Unless specified in the U-FLI Championship program, all other U-FLI rules of racing will apply.

Championship Special Rules

  1. If a team withdraws from racing without just cause, in the opinion of the Head judge or the U-FLI Representative, they will be disqualified from placement at the event. If the Head Judge or U-FLI Representative are members of the team involved, the decision would then be reviewed by the onsite Rules and Regulations Committee.
  2. A Championship Club must always be able to compete against any other Championship Club, regardless of division, and except as provided for in section 2.4 of the Rules of Racing, without delay.
  3. Breakouts (All Classes)
    • Breakout tolerances:
      • The breakout time for the Standard Championship Teams is 0.25 seconds.
      • The breakout time for the Singles and Pairs Championship is 0.15 seconds.
    • Standard U-FLI breakout scoring will apply.
  4. Singles and Pairs Classes
    • False Starts:
      • In the event of a false start in one lane, their heat counts as a loss.
      • The team will have the option of re-running the heat alone for a recorded time. The lane that runs clean is awarded the time and the heat.
      • If both lanes false start together, the heat is rerun and the fastest clean time will win the heat.
      • False starts will be limited to one per race per team.

Please direct questions to: championship@u-fli.com

Download a copy of the guidelines.