Dog Number Dog Name Dog owner Jump Height Club Singles Date Ran Points Total Title Level
11617 Wrangler Kelsay Zimmerman 10 inches Skidmarkz 12170 TFP-I
11885 Kado Kelsay Zimmerman 12 inches Skidmarkz 10515 TFP
5237 Sam Ken Bullard 12 inches Sled Dogz Unharnessed 9155 TFE-III
2779 Niki Nadine Marcotte 12 inches Burnin Rubber 4535 TFE-I
6477 Bolt Janet & Matt Stevens 12 inches Crossing Borders Flyball Team 3775 TFE
4901 Niko Melissa Paul 12 inches Guardians Of The Underworld 3745 TFE
13201 Mishka Shannon Paison 12 inches SWAT (Speed With Atti-Tude) 2690 TFE
6986 Yukon Noel Dagley 12 inches BC Boomerangs 920 TF-II
924 Cheyenne Jim Nauer 11 inches Rainbow Runners 790 TF-II
10407 Ember Christine Vezina 12 inches B.A.R.K. 370 TF
6839 Nikolai Joli Jurcak 12 inches No Club Affiliation 315 TF
6984 Skye Noel Dagley 12 inches BC Boomerangs 190 TF
8328 Penny KATIE MATTSON 12 inches Fast Traxx 0
5236 Ekho Linda Bullard 12 inches Sled Dogz Unharnessed 0
11210 Spirit Noel Dagley 12 inches BC Boomerangs 0
12526 KUNIK SUSAN GILES 12 inches Muscle Memory 0
6838 Loki Joli Jurcak 12 inches No Club Affiliation
9562 Roxy Justine Bradley 12 inches No Club Affiliation
12092 Kira Virginia Wortman 12 inches Queen City Road Runners
14251 Shadow Kristy Downey 12 inches Fighting For Freedom
13522 Prima Maija Doggett 12 inches Glacier Shakers
6985 Breeze Noel Dagley 12 inches BC Boomerangs
11282 Taz Linda Bullard 12 inches Sled Dogz Unharnessed
1129 Maverick Noel Dagley 12 inches No Club Affiliation
12095 Luna Yvonne Bradley 12 inches Queen City Road Runners