Event #885 - Spring Round Up (04-12-14)

Washington County Regional Park (Hurrincane, UT)
Hosted By: Stampede

Running Surface: Mats w/ 77 feet of runback
Judges: John Rutkowski

Team Division Placement Best Time
Touch N Go - C Standard 1 1 15.643
Touch N Go - A Standard 1 2 14.182
Stampede - Chain Reaction Standard 1 3 15.588
Touch N Go - B Standard 1 4 15.866
Stampede - Out of Control Standard 1 5 14.670
Touch N Go - D Standard 2 1 15.860
Phoenix Fuzion - Combustion Standard 2 2 16.580
Stampede - Total Panic Standard 2 3 16.680
Atomic Dogs - Carbon Standard 3 1 17.353
Guardians of the Underworld - Got U Standard 3 2 16.525
Catchers on the Fly - Pawdres Standard 3 3 17.331
Fly'N Aces - Hearts Standard 3 4 17.776
Touch N Go - E Standard 3 5 17.613
Beehive State Barkers - Dauntless Standard 3 6 18.142
Vegas Velocity - Mach III Standard 4 1 18.613
Phoenix Fuzion - Synergy Standard 4 2 18.626
Kids in Control - Standard 4 3 18.016
Stampede - Max Confusion Standard 4 4 19.205
Fly'N Aces - Diamonds Standard 5 1 19.181
Catchers on the Fly - Doggers Standard 5 2 19.633
Vegas Velocity - Mach II Standard 5 3 19.475
Atomic Dogs - Neutrons Standard 5 4 19.896
Sincity Dogs - Standard 5 5 19.967
Silver Stars Flyball Racing Club - Coffin Standard 5 99 99.999
Vegas Velocity - Mach I Standard 6 1 20.008
Catchers on the Fly - Astros Standard 6 2 22.082
Silver Stars Flyball Racing Club - Antila Standard 6 99 99.999