Fastest German Shepherd Singles - All Time

Dog Number Dog Name Dog owner Jump Height Club Singles Date Ran Points Total Title Level
8174 Legend Marie Gutgsell 12 inches Fly By Night 3.984 01-03-16 15230 TFP-II
6936 Pan Jason Lin 12 inches 4.009 03-17-12 240 TF
11476 Bronte Heather Racicot 12 inches Running Rogue 4.046 03-05-22 220 TF
11170 Cava Debbie Oliver 12 inches Silver Streaks 4.048 11-13-21 1030 TF-III
6596 Dexter Kenneth & Michelle Wallace 12 inches Rockin Flyball Gang 4.177 07-07-12 3310 TFE
6369 Asta Michele Moore 12 inches Arizona Supercharged 4.233 03-31-12 2540 TFE
6213 Cami Jessica Snyder 12 inches Mostly Harmless 4.290 06-01-13 5720 TFE-II
2701 Noche' Nancy Murphy 12 inches Dog>Gone Flyball 4.298 04-14-07 9345 TFE-III
7300 Kastle Falon Gray 12 inches 4.359 06-09-12 550 TF-I
1651 Kaela Patricia Greenwald 12 inches Heat Seek 4.420 05-27-06 7410 TFE-III
12971 Gera Anabelle Morin 12 inches Muscle Memory 4.424 04-07-23 2645 TFE
8846 Xaina Christina Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 4.465 08-13-16 14695 TFP-II
5865 Zed Debbie Haines 12 inches Redline Dogsports 4.503 07-31-10 880 TF-II
14213 Nevaeh Brittany Bell 12 inches Hawkeye Hustlers 4.505 07-13-24 420 TF
10640 Freyja Jessica Edwards 12 inches Perro Loco 4.552 03-24-18 2405 TF-III
6937 Nikon Lies Rosema 12 inches Fly By Night 4.577 06-09-12 8495 TFE-III
9290 Korra Ty Grove 12 inches Tailspins 4.587 04-21-19
14305 Aerys Ashley Angstadt 12 inches Underdogs Flyball 4.693 07-07-24
9139 Booger James Green 12 inches No Club Affiliation 4.762 09-11-16 305 TF
7097 Boris Michele Moore 12 inches Arizona Supercharged 4.783 04-01-12 1220 TF-III
5224 Kyzer Tracy Klimchak 12 inches Dixie Flyers 5.093 02-12-11 1390 TF-III
3829 Ronan Steve Bannon 12 inches Two-Lane Highway 5.094 02-09-08 795 TF-II
9728 Venom Danielle Escarcega 12 inches X 5.232 05-18-19 2150 TF-III
6663 Ziva Michael Fusco 12 inches Too Hot To Handle 5.325 03-31-12 1045 TF-III
13275 Winnie Barbara Iwanaga 12 inches The Usual Suspects 5.449 12-02-23 370 TF
4809 Alexis Tammy Bennett 12 inches No Club Affiliation 5.473 04-01-12 2235 TF-III
12712 Rio Mary Ellen Zydell 12 inches Pet Camp's Astro Allstars 5.527 02-12-22
12514 Belle Hannah Johnson 12 inches Thunder Paws Flyball 5.551 09-17-22
1709 Apollo Pat Peeren 12 inches No Club Affiliation 5.585 03-25-06
6807 Tink Addy Lerner 12 inches Orange Crush 6.004 10-02-11 400 TF
2390 Belle Thomas Young 12 inches 4 Dog Flight 6.403 11-08-08 2725 TFE
7787 Xira Joseph Clark 12 inches River City Flyers 7.310 09-21-13 4680 TFE-I
6034 Izzy Lindsay Chlopek 12 inches No Club Affiliation 10.401 09-25-10 0