Event #834 - Rude Dogs Fall Tournament (11-09-13)

TNT Dog Center (Midland, MI)
Hosted By: Rude Dogs

Running Surface: Other w/ 70 feet of runback
Judges: Todd Morningstar

Team Division Placement Best Time
Rude Dogs - A Standard 1 1 15.426
Pawbusters - A Standard 1 2 16.476
Slammers - not to be used in the future - A Standard 1 3 15.916
Slammers - not to be used in the future - C Standard 1 4 16.833
Fly Ball Insanity - International Canine Incident Standard 1 99 99.999
Motor City Mayhem - A Standard 2 1 17.313
Pawbusters - B Standard 2 2 17.639
Rude Dogs - B Standard 2 3 17.756
Ballistics - A Standard 2 4 19.541
Slammers - not to be used in the future - D Standard 3 1 18.936
Competitive DogSports - Standard 3 2 19.924
Ballistics - B Standard 3 99 99.999
Overdogs - Standard 3 99 99.999
Motor City Mayhem - B Standard 4 1 21.582
Extreme Insanity - 4 on the Floor Standard 4 2 21.950
Planet Canine - Racing Rockets Standard 4 3 24.552
Wooferines - Standard 4 99 99.999
Fly By Night - Standard 4 99 21.220
Slammers - not to be used in the future - B Variety 1 1 16.703
Motor City Mayhem - Variety Variety 1 2 19.703
Overdogs - Variety Variety 1 99 99.999
Extreme Insanity - Downshift Variety 1 99 99.999
Competitive DogSports - Rude Dogs Variety 1 99 99.999