Event #828 - Slammers (07-06-13)

Erie County Fairgrounds (Sandusky, OH)
Hosted By: Slammers - not to be used in the future

Running Surface: Mats w/ 65 feet of runback
Judges: Todd Morningstar

Team Division Placement Best Time
Slammers - not to be used in the future - All Snitched Up Standard 1 1 15.681
Slammers - not to be used in the future - B Standard 1 2 16.199
Bee Town Stingers - Top Dog Standard 1 3 16.269
Fur in a Blur - Gale Force Standard 1 4 16.500
RPM Dog Sports - Standard 1 5 17.350
Motor City Mayhem - A Standard 2 1 17.415
Under the Radar - Standard 2 99 99.999
Slammers - not to be used in the future - What the Snitch Standard 2 99 99.999
Bee Town Stingers - Bloodhound Gang Standard 2 99 99.999
Bee Town Stingers - Dog Eat Dog Standard 3 1 19.183
Slammers - not to be used in the future - C Standard 3 2 18.309
SWAT (Speed With Atti-Tude) - Sharp Shooters Standard 3 3 19.369
Fur in a Blur - Microburst Standard 3 4 20.241
Extreme Insanity - 50/50 Standard 3 99 99.999
Extreme Insanity - 4 on the Floor Standard 4 1 22.496
Wooferines - Go Blue Standard 4 2 22.601
Fur in a Blur - Storm Front Standard 4 3 22.557
SWAT (Speed With Atti-Tude) - Tactics Standard 4 4 23.228
Motor City Mayhem - B Standard 4 5 22.450
Slammers - not to be used in the future - Variety Variety 1 1 17.631
Motor City Mayhem - Variety Variety 1 2 19.363
Under the Radar - Variety Variety 1 99 99.999
SWAT (Speed With Atti-Tude) - Special Ops Variety 2 1 20.472
Bee Town Stingers - Terriers and Tiaras Variety 2 99 99.999
Wooferines - Tailgaiters Variety 2 99 99.999
Fur in a Blur - Jet Stream Variety 2 99 99.999