Event #552 - Go Nuts with Mutts IV (04-09-11)

Fresno Fairgrounds (Fresno, CA)
Hosted By: Mutts in Motion

Running Surface: Mats w/ 90 feet of runback
Judges: Laurie Jarrett

Team Division Placement Best Time
Turn N Spit - Whos Nuts Standard 1 1 17.789
Mad Dogs - Bad Manners Standard 1 2 18.547
Stampede - Total Panic Standard 1 3 17.463
Marin Running Riot Flyball Club - Loose Dogs Standard 1 99 99.999
Lickety Splits - Covert Standard 2 1 18.370
Stampede - Kwik Outburst Standard 2 2 19.823
Leap of Faith Flyball Team - Mojo Standard 2 3 19.634
Starfleet Flyball Club - Warp Speed Standard 2 99 99.999
Marin Running Riot Flyball Club - Unleashed Standard 3 1 19.413
Mutts in Motion - Muttmosas Standard 3 2 20.243
Fast Fourward - Plan B Standard 3 3 20.004
Tailspins - Tailspins Standard 3 4 21.218
Ball Haulers - Dogs Deliverin Standard 3 5 23.880
XTreme Chaos - Xtreme Chaos Standard 3 99 99.999
Mad Dogs - BCs Before Lily Standard 4 1 21.509
Mutts in Motion - Muttaritas Standard 4 2 22.519
Turn N Spit - Youre Nuts Standard 4 3 22.177
Gold Coast Flyers - Mixd Up Standard 4 4 99.990
Lickety Splits - Standard 4 99 99.999
Marin Running Riot Flyball Club - Stray Dogs Variety 1 1 18.659
Lickety Splits - Ambush Variety 1 2 18.253
Mutts in Motion - On the Rocks Variety 1 3 19.068
Starfleet Flyball Club - Impulse Speed Variety 1 4 19.667
Fast Fourward - Tailgate Variety 1 5 22.341