Event #454 - Ulti-Mutts Winter Luau Day 1 (01-30-10)

Mad City Dog Training (Madison, WI)
Hosted By: Ulti-Mutts

Running Surface: Mats w/ 85 feet of runback
Judges: Steve McAvoy

Team Division Placement Best Time
Bordering On Insanity - Adrenalin Rush Standard 1 1 16.115
River City Flyers - A Standard 1 2 16.596
TNT - Surfers Standard 1 3 17.126
Synergy - Time for me to fly Standard 1 99 99.999
Ulti-Mutts - Makini Wikiwiki Standard 2 1 17.756
TNT - Divers Standard 2 2 17.725
Bordering On Insanity - OCD Standard 2 3 17.920
River City Flyers - B Standard 2 4 20.386
Ruff Position - Gasoline Alley Standard 3 1 20.083
Ball Hogs - Standard 3 2 21.663
Ulti-Mutts - Humuhum Standard 3 3 21.781
Bordering On Insanity - Panic Attack Standard 3 4 21.816
Ruff Position - Victory Lane Standard 4 1 22.539
Paw Power Blues - Standard 4 2 22.743
Synergy - Nothin Standard 4 3 22.138