Event #264 - Columbus Spring Fling (03-09-08)

Ohio Expo Center (Columbus, OH)
Hosted By: Reeking Havoc

Running Surface: Mats w/ 100 feet of runback
Judges: Steve McAvoy

Team Division Placement Best Time
Rude Dogs - A Standard 1 1 15.933
River City Flyers - A Standard 1 2 16.643
Gamblers - Dealers Choice Standard 1 3 16.504
TNT - M80s Standard 1 4 16.829
Slammers - not to be used in the future - B/S Standard 1 99 99.999
Slammers - not to be used in the future - Ouija Boards Standard 2 1 16.823
Rude Dogs - B Standard 2 2 17.173
TNT - WMDs Standard 2 3 17.643
Pawbusters - A Standard 2 99 99.999
Competitive DogSports - A Standard 3 1 17.707
Slammers - not to be used in the future - B Standard 3 2 17.673
River City Flyers - B Standard 3 3 18.658
Gamblers - Luck of the Draw Standard 3 4 17.976
RPM Dog Sports - Standard 3 99 99.999
TNT - Short Fuse Standard 4 1 19.557
Competitive DogSports - B Standard 4 2 20.136
SWAT (Speed With Atti-Tude) - Standard 4 3 21.899
Reeking Havoc - Buckeyes Standard 4 99 99.999
Fly By Night - Standard 4 99 99.999