Event #1734 - Sirius Summer Fun (06-30-24)

Jefferson Country Fair Park (Jefferson, WI)
Hosted By: Mostly Harmless

Running Surface: Mats w/ 80 feet of runback
Judges: Jessica Love

Team Division Placement Best Time
High Velocity - A Standard 1 1 15.009
Bordering On Insanity - Rush Standard 1 2 15.943
Mission Uproar - Turkey Legs Standard 1 3 17.029
Rude Dogs - CDS P/U Standard 1 99 99.999
Bordering On Insanity - OCD Standard 2 1 18.801
Milwaukee Dogs - Flying Squirrels P/U Standard 2 99 99.999
Rude Dogs - HV P/U Standard 2 99 99.999
Ruff Position - All Too Well P/U Standard 2 99 99.999
Mission Uproar - Corn Dogs Standard 3 1 19.720
Ruff Position - Ready For It? Standard 3 2 20.297
Power UN-leashed - A Standard 3 99 17.886
Mostly Harmless - Don\'t Panic P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
K9 Wrecking Ballz - P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
Ulti-Mutts - Gas Monkeys Standard 4 1 20.638
Power UN-leashed - B Standard 4 2 21.372
Mostly Harmless - Heart of Gold P/U Standard 4 99 99.999
K9 Turn N' Burn - Standard 5 1 21.963
Milwaukee Dogs - Chasing Chipmunks Standard 5 2 21.104
Wagging Tails Flyball - P/U Standard 5 99 99.999
Ruff Position - Blank Space Standard 5 99 20.346