Event #1542 - 10th Annual UP Shelter Fundraiser (07-31-22)

UP State Fairgrounds (Escanaba, MI)
Hosted By: High Velocity

Running Surface: Mats w/ 75 feet of runback
Judges: Todd Heineman

Team Division Placement Best Time
High Velocity - A Standard 1 1 14.801
Mighty Mutts - A Standard 1 2 14.806
Rude Dogs - A Standard 1 3 15.233
Rocket Relay Flyball Team - A Standard 1 4 14.713
On the FlipSide - Frontside P/U Standard 1 99 99.999
Pawbusters - A Standard 2 1 15.173
High Velocity - B Standard 2 2 15.403
Competitive DogSports - A Standard 2 3 15.805
Asylum Unleashed - Black Standard 2 4 15.883
Rocket Relay Flyball Team - Blue Standard 3 1 15.843
Rude Dogs - B Standard 3 2 16.290
Mighty Mutts - B Standard 3 3 17.320
On the FlipSide - On the FlipSide Shakerside P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
Smashville Speedsters - Slap Shot P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
K9 Wrecking Ballz - Standard 4 1 17.173
Rocket Relay Flyball Team - Green Standard 4 2 17.103
Asylum Unleashed - Red Standard 4 3 17.641
Pawbusters - B Standard 4 4 18.750
Rude Dogs South - How Rude Standard 4 5 18.218
Power UN-leashed - A Standard 5 1 17.631
Mission Uproar - Riot Standard 5 2 19.309
Canine Express - Junkyard K9s P/U Standard 5 99 99.999
Mostly Harmless - Don't Panic P/U Standard 5 99 99.999
Smashville Speedsters - High Stick P/U Standard 5 99 99.999
Power UN-leashed - B Standard 6 1 18.126
Mostly Harmless - Heart of Gold Standard 6 2 19.893
Bordering On Insanity - Bordering On Insanity Rock Steady Standard 6 3 19.159
Competitive DogSports - B P/U Standard 6 99 99.999
Canine Express - JYD P/U Standard 6 99 99.999
Ruff Position - Northern Lights P/U Standard 6 99 99.999
Milwaukee Dogs - Great Balls of Fur Standard 7 1 19.954
Ruff Position - Southern Exposure Standard 7 2 21.364
K9 Turn N' Burn - K9 Turn N Burn Standard 7 3 22.128
Rapids Intens-A-Flyrs - Yooper Yappers Standard 7 4 24.940
Blue Past You - P/U Standard 7 99 99.999