Event #1526 - Spring Slam for Pam (04-23-22)

Monroe Fair (Monroe, MI)
Hosted By: Slammers - not to be used in the future

Running Surface: Mats w/ 60 feet of runback
Judges: Danielle Beauregard

Team Division Placement Best Time
Mighty Mutts - A Standard 1 1 14.974
Competitive DogSports - A Standard 1 2 15.386
Pawbusters - A Standard 1 3 15.158
Rude Dogs - A Standard 1 4 15.930
Shenanigans Unleashed - A P/U Standard 1 99 99.999
Pawbusters - B Standard 2 1 16.813
Fur in a Blur - Guthrie Standard 2 2 17.043
Mighty Mutts - B Standard 2 3 17.446
Pawbusters - Eh? Standard 2 4 18.466
Slammers - not to be used in the future - B Standard 2 5 18.977
Canine Express - Loud & Proud Standard 3 1 18.447
Blue Past You - A P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
Competitive DogSports - & RD P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
Fur in a Blur - P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
Canine Express - Scream & Shout Standard 4 1 19.936
Fur in a Blur - Fur In A Blur Standard 4 2 19.244
Wooferines - Go Blue Standard 4 3 22.110
SWAT (Speed With Atti-Tude) - SWAT Standard 4 4 20.607
Shenanigans Unleashed - B P/U Standard 4 99 99.999