Event #1221 - 6th Annual UP Shelter Fundraiser (08-05-18)

UP State Fairgrounds (Escanaba,, MI)
Hosted By: Rude Dogs

Running Surface: Mats w/ 70 feet of runback
Judges: Todd Heineman

Team Division Placement Best Time
Rude Dogs - A Standard 1 1 14.707
High Velocity - A Standard 1 2 15.113
Positive Pups - Standard 1 3 14.926
Rocket Relay Flyball Team - A Standard 1 4 14.674
Mighty Mutts - A Standard 2 1 15.773
Bordering On Insanity - Rush Standard 2 2 16.713
Rude Dogs - B Standard 2 3 15.746
Wicked Team Flyball - Wicked Fast Standard 2 4 16.295
Pawbusters - A Standard 3 1 16.005
Power UN-leashed - A Standard 3 2 16.106
Slammers - not to be used in the future - B Plus Standard 3 3 16.768
Rocket Relay Flyball Team - Black Standard 3 4 16.336
Asylum Unleashed - Black Standard 3 5 16.434
On the FlipSide - Shenanigans P/U Standard 3 99 99.999
Crossing Borders Flyball Team - Standard 4 1 16.497
Mighty Mutts - B Standard 4 2 17.452
Rude Dogs - CDS P/U Standard 4 99 99.999
TNT - P/U Standard 4 99 99.999
Run Riot - River City Flyers P/U Standard 4 99 99.999
K9 Wrecking Ballz - Raze Standard 5 1 17.338
RPM Dog Sports - A Standard 5 2 17.277
Bordering On Insanity - OCD Standard 5 99 99.999
High Velocity - P/U Standard 5 99 99.999
Power UN-leashed - B Standard 5 99 99.999
Bordering On Insanity - ADHD Standard 6 1 18.297
Ulti-Mutts - Standard 6 2 19.658
Pawbusters - B Standard 6 3 19.995
K9 Wrecking Ballz - Waggin Ballz P/U Standard 6 99 99.999
Wicked Team Flyball - and Friends P/U Standard 6 99 99.999
Canine Express - Standard 7 1 19.686
Fly By Night - Standard 7 2 20.448
Mostly Harmless - Heart of Gold Standard 7 3 19.062
High Velocity - B Standard 7 4 20.599
Competitive DogSports - Standard 7 5 21.997
Zoomies - P/U Standard 7 99 99.999
Canine Express - Variety Variety 1 1 19.471
Fly By Night - Variety Variety 1 2 18.353
Run Riot - Variety Variety 1 3 20.943